You Can Stand Under My Umbrella: Autumn + Brian

Mary Fields Photography

It couldn’t have happened to a better couple. When the radar looked like Nickelodeon’s green slime (you 90s children know what I’m talking about) they remained calm. When the weatherman gave his dismal prediction of Saturday’s tropical storm, they remained calm. When the clouds rolled in thick like gray giants, they remained calm. When the skies opened up and dropped water on Sarasota like the ground was crying out in thirst, they remained calm. Even when they made the decision to proceed with the ceremony in the rain, utilizing the world’s simplest invention…the umbrella, they still remained calm.

Why you ask? Why would you remain calm when the day you have been waiting for your whole life, that special day you want to be oh so perfect, is drenched in H2O?

Because they get it. They knew that the purpose of that day, the day they had been waiting for their whole lives, wasn’t about the mud on her dress, the puddles on the ground or even the fact that their guests were standing under umbrellas. No, they knew it was a day with much bigger significance. It was the day that they pledged their lives to each other before a holy God who was more concerned about their commitment than the rain clouds. And they just did that, vowed their lives to each other while holding hands in the rain. While the day was plenty crazy (stay tuned for my horse story…it’ll go down in the record books), the ground…along with the guests..a bit soggy, and things not going quite according to plan, there is one thing I am fairly confident did not go wrong. Not only did it not go wrong, but it was exceptionally right. That is that God was pleased. In some ways, more ways than not, I think it couldn’t have been more perfect. As the rain fell down and the umbrellas raised up, attention was drawn to the main thing. Marriage. This couple did an amazing job of keeping the main thing the main thing and I was so very honored to be part of it!

Brian and Autumn, my shoes have dried, my adrenaline has returned to normal and the radar has cleared. However, one thing has not disappeared since that rainy day in April…my love and respect for you both. Thank you for being a picture of what a wedding and marriage should be about. Your wedding day alone served as a ministry to so many and so I cannot wait to see what the example of your marriage will do in the years to come.

In closing, I thought it only fitting to leave you with these words from our dear friend Rihanna. I hope that they will hold new meaning from now on…

When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be a friend
Took an oath I’ma stick it out till the end
Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)

Happy Tuesday!


Brian played football at Purdue so her sisters made her this awesome jersey with his number and ‘Mrs. Wang’ on the back. Love it.

Sweet Autumn got Brian the most perfect gift…a family bible.

Thank you Lord for the blessings of this special day.

Autumn, her mother and some of their friends worked so hard to make every detail perfect. They were stunning!

The theme was the South which of course made me really happy.

W is for Wang…Brian’s last name.

Autumn’s mom and dad surprised her with a horse drawn carriage to take her to the aisle. So sweet and romantic. However, things got a little crazy after this so stay tuned for one of my best wedding stories…

Her dad seeing her for the first time. I cried…

One of the sweetest moments of the wedding day was their prayer. In the midst of the craziness they stopped to take a moment and pray. Looking around they realized it was just their family…the original six. In prayer they honored the Lord and then ended with all six in tears. I was privileged to be there for such a precious moment.

Love this shot. Tears of joy as he sees his bride.

And it rained on…

Married! They kissed, were pronounced husband and wife, and the rain stopped. Exactly in that order. Perfection.

Aut, you are one stunningly beautiful bride.

I lose my breath a little every time I see this shot…

9 thoughts on “You Can Stand Under My Umbrella: Autumn + Brian

  1. Mary – Incredible blog, incredible pictures and an incredible friend. Thank you for your hard work and love that was poured into these pictures and this wedding. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I know Autumn and Brian will treasure these moments that you captured beautifully!

  2. oh for crying out loud, MARY POWELL!!!!!!!! Don’t know how I stumbled onto this, think it was thru Daniel Mogg ( I am quite defficient when it comes to facebook, blogging etc) anyway, love love love the description, the pictures (every single one of them) I feel like I was at that wedding! So happy for Autumn and her darling husband(whoever the heck he is 🙂 What a fabulous day and YOU CAPTURED IT!!!! Love you so!

  3. Mary – beautiful beautiful pictures and testimonies that caught the amazingness of the joyous and special day! I almost feel like I was there!
    A note to the couple: Dearest Autumn and her darling Brian… I’m sitting here in my Tri Delta cubicle with my heart filled with joy and love, and my eyes filled with tears. I can just imagine the love, happiness, and splendor that filled the air on your wedding day! Congratulations and so much love to you both!! – Jojo

  4. Mary – I was not able to go to my niece’s (Autumn) wedding due to my children being in school/testing in Georgia….and was very disappointed. Thank you for capturing every special moment, not only in picture but in thought so I could be there in a sense. What a beautiful powerful message you captured with both. I am so proud of Autum, who I saw grow from a baby girl, to a beautiful young woman and now a wife. Autumn and Brian – I wish that I could have been there that special day but my heart overflows with joy for you and what lies ahead for your future together. God Bless you both alway! We Love You… Aunt Mary, Darrell, Megan and Marissa

  5. So happy for you both. And I am very honored to have been there. Cant wait to get to know Brian.
    I love you, Aunt Debbie

  6. what a beautiful very original wedding Autum you looked so beautiful and your husband so handsome. most beautiful pictures I’ve seen Sonia

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