75 and Perfect: From Powell to Gilland

A day for the record books. That’s what it was. A day to remember and savor because of its sweetness. The day she let go of Powell and embraced Gilland. February 18, 2012.

She called me that Friday before in near tears with desperation in her voice. “It’s a 60% chance of rain next Saturday,” she said trying to remain optimistic but inevitably filled with at least some sort of anxiety. The reception that she had labored over for the last four months was not only outside, under a tent with no roof, but it was also in the retention pond part of the field. Yes, I know that seems crazy but it was the prettiest part, surrounded by trees, and it was in February (the lowest rain fall month for Florida). Believe me, they had researched it and given logic their best shot. Of course, being Powell’s, we have the worst luck with rain on occasions where rain ruins all plans. Camping, fishing, boating, Sea World, theme parks…you name it, it has rained when the Powell’s come to town. We lovingly coin ourselves The Griswald’s…and it certainly fits.

“It’s going to be ok,” I assured her. “Just watch, it’s going to be 75 and perfect. You’ll see,” All week, we checked the weather compulsively each day and watch as it fluctuated to 50%, then to 40%, then back to 60%. Our prayer lives reached a new peak as we desperately entreated the Lord to hold off the rain and entreated others to do the same on our behalf. In God’s perfect favor, He heard our prayers and delivered in more ways than we could have asked for. Wedding day arrived and the weather was unbelievable. Eighty degrees during the day, cloudy during pictures at high noon (perfect from a photographer’s standpoint FYI) and sunny at ceremony time. By the time the reception started it was 75 and yes…perfect. Literally, it could NOT have been better. It was perfect for a number of reasons though. Sure, the weather was perfect and a testimony to God’s goodness, but even more the whole day was perfect. Perfect because two people, who had first honored the Lord in their pursuit of Him, had now been granted a great gift in marriage. The chance to pursue God through their pursuit of one another…as Mr. and Mrs. Gilland. What a day for rejoicing and celebration! So, all 500 of us (yes, you heard me) piled onto the dance floor and celebrate we did! I’ll never forget the sweetness of that day as it was indeed a perfect reminder of God’s great goodness and sovereignty. Oh the plans He has for His children and how rich they are! Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Gilland! May your marriage be as joyful, peaceful and ‘perfect’ as your wedding!

Happy Thursday!

(Enjoy some pics of the wedding day below! I tried to do my best to first be Beth’s Maid of Honor and not allow myself to get stuck behind the camera but what can I say? I’m an addict and I could hardly contain myself. You’ll notice that some pictures the subjects are looking away because I was of course shooting behind the real photographer who was WONDERFUL! Check out Cheryl Dawn’s awesome photo blog at http://cheryldawnphotography.blogspot.com/.)

Janelle was one of Beth’s bridesmaids who is also an AMAZING stylist. She has her own business at Janelle on Location. It’s awesome…you should check it out. http://www.janelleonlocation.com/

My Granny seeing Beth for the first time. I wish I could tell you what she said cause its hilarious…but it may not quite be appropriate ha ha

My dad seeing his daughter for the first time. Sweet moment.

You can’t really tell but this is Beth walking to her groom for a first look. I promised I would stay off in the distance so they could have a moment…it was killing me. Beautiful garden for such a beautiful moment.

After a bit, I got to come in. Made my day.

Shooting in this garden made me want to move to FL. Just sayin.

Yep, when I look at this I gasp a little bit.

The floral designs were exquisite. You may remember my post about these beautiful masterpieces. Their wonderful creator was Debbie Robertson of Atmosphere Floral and Decor. She designed the whole reception as well as the flowers and boy was she a gem!

My beautiful Momma with her twins!

Powell girls! Come June, I’ll be the only one left standing!

Us in true form 🙂

I seriously lose my breath every time I look at those flowers.

The growing family. Somehow we missed Stephen but he will for sure be added come June!

So…Beth has a lot of friends. Can you tell?


Sweet lifelong friends!

Ella, Beth’s sweet new niece. She was, in her words, “A flow-da-durl.”

Sweet Mylee, Beth’s best friend. No really, they are best friends.

The ever amazing Marissa who just got engaged!!! Whoo hoo! Congrats MO!

Married for almost four years and still in love 🙂

Oh these two, they have been the subjects of many a photo shoot for me. Typical form.

The next ones may be some of my favorites because I’ve never really had the opportunity to photograph my parents. I had a blast even for the five minutes we snuck away to shoot a few. What lovebirds!

Watch out.

This is what always happens when my dad kisses my mom in public. She starts to giggle with embarrassment. I love it.

Again, Atmosphere Floral designs were beautiful!

These two were doing their best to get the party started!

Hopefully its a long time from now but she will make a beautiful bride!

Oh Dustin, it never fails…always looking GQ and always has his antibacterial.

Sweet friends.

Kindred spirits.

Love you Beca!

A little blurry but a love them. Dancin with my Daddy.

My wonderful grandparents still dancing after almost 60 years of marriage! If you didn’t see their video yesterday, don’t forget to check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPIqFXMaVdE&context=C4b26c62ADvjVQa1PpcFPYSjadQXrFzusHRxQGdwG521K7HOt5yXE=

I have to tell this story because it was so ‘Father of the Bride’ esque. If you haven’t seen that movie, you need to immediately. So Beth and David ran through the sparkler line on their way to their getaway car. At the end of it, Beth realized she hadn’t said goodbye to my father and so she frantically looked for him, refusing to leave without first saying goodbye. In a moment straight out of a movie, the entire group of guests started to yell for the father of the bride. After what seemed like an hour, he came running to her, having been stuck at the other end. They embraced in a moment that would make anyone cry and I was lucky enough to snap a real quick picture. Love this one more than I can say.

A beautiful sight from a beautiful celebration.

4 thoughts on “75 and Perfect: From Powell to Gilland

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