A Blessed Day: Jessica + John

Mary Fields Photography

I follow Jasmine Star (world renown wedding photographer) like she was an ice cream truck on a hot summer day. Like a band groupie on tour. Like Robin follows Batman. Like Luke Skywalker follows Obi Wan. Her blog is bookmarked on my home page and it’s part of my daily ritual to check up on what latest advice/work she has to share. She has shaped so much of how I approach my business and how I seek to work with my clients. You could say she has been my mentor, my Yoda, my Mr. Miyagi. Don’t worry, the rest of the wedding photog industry follows her the same AND I have met her once so I’m not a total weirdo. We even have a picture together which basically makes us best friends.

One thing I remember Jasmine saying on her blog was that she loved when a bride becomes a friend. What an interesting thing to say I remember thinking to myself. However, from the time Jessica booked me several months ago until now, I can say that I consider her a sweet new friend. How cool is my job?

Oh Jasmine, wise you are. Continue following you I will.

John and Jessica are special. They are special because on their wedding day and every day leading up to it, they had one purpose. To honor God in their union. It was the morning of the wedding and she had woken up sick. However, she never flinched. Her goal was to marry John and to humbly commit her life to him, in sickness and in health. Thankfully the Lord was gracious, giving her new energy and health, allowing the day to be exactly what it should be. Blessed.

They were married in a beautiful chapel in North Texas with their loved ones watching in agreement of their vow to one another. The pastor recalled the workings of their relationship over the years and it was clear that God had gone before them, aligning their paths from that day forward. With an incredible amount of peace and joy in that beautiful chapel, they made their pledges, shared communion and were pronounced husband and wife. Oh glorious day.

Jessica and John, you really are special. I did not know you at all before this process started and yet, in my few months of knowing you, I am confident that this is a special union. You both have your sights set on what matters. Eternity. Together, I am sure that you will do greater things than apart. Please know how blessed I was to be part of your engagement and your wedding day. I am grateful for the friendship that was started and hope it continues in years to come.

Enjoy some of my favorites from their day!

Happy Monday!

Ashton Gardens. Gorgeous.

Oh bling bling.

Mrs. Sarver.

Jessica, I bet you’ve never had this happen before…

Of course if you are a guy hanging out before your wedding…you’d be watching a baseball game. What else?

Seriously beautiful chapel. The natural light made me a little…no much more than a little giddy.

Their parents praying with them.


So handsome.

Beautiful girls.

The bride’s one request. Bridal party silly faces. LOVE it. What a fun bridal party.

Jessica, one word. STUNNING!

I may be in love with this shot.

Girl, you are too beautiful for words.

I think he’s in love or something.

So…they make my job way too easy.


John and Jessica Sarver.

Mr. and Mrs!!!!

Love this picture of Jessica and her father. His first girl to get married. So sweet.

They had this really fun part of their dance. It was awesome.

Let me just say that I don’t usually post so many dancing pictures but I couldn’t help it. They had an AWESOME dance party. And in the middle of the day! Impressive!

Ruth, you are way to cool for words. Seriously, I cannot even express how wonderful you were throughout the whole process and not to mention your crazy awesome dance moves!

Pure awesomeness.

Coolest Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom. They danced the whole time. No really, they did.

Oh Lauren, you made this way too fun for me. Can you come to all of my weddings?

Possibly some of my favorite shots from the whole day. Especially the one on the right.

Maid of Honor getting some air. Perfect.

On Days Like Today

99.9% of the time I forget how blessed I am.

.1% of the time…on days like today…I remember.

When we were kids, he’d tell us that ‘He knew everything,’ and of course we believed him.  He’d line us up on his bed and play the ‘tickle game’ which was a love/hate relationship. You would wait in excitement and a little agony just watching his every move to see if you were next to be tickled into oblivion. Every once in a while, he’d look at us with a gleam in his eye and say, ‘You know what you need? You need a MR. BEAR-SQUASH-YOU-ALL-FLAT!!!!” Then he’d tackle us to the floor and just lay on us…squashing us all flat. We’d giggle until our faces were red and we couldn’t take it anymore. At night, we’d sit around the dinner table and he’d come up with some crazy game for us to play. Spell or Define. Math problems. The Whistling game. You may think it’s weird but you’re just wrong…it was wonderful. Sometimes, he’d just pull us into his lap and hug on us, telling us he loved us…the sweetest words for a young girl to hear from her father. Words that have made me secure in myself even until today.

It simply is unfitting to honor him today though and not her also. She was the world’s best ‘stay at home’ mom. Why you ask? She did it without a hint of regret, selflessly sacrificing so much of herself to give us what we needed. She made our home a haven. She was and continues to be the hardest worker I have ever known. On Tuesdays and Thursdays my sister and I would trade off on going to ‘Mother’s Day Out’ and having a ‘Day with Mom.’ I always wished it was my turn for DWM. She’d create the coolest adventures for us, making our days eventful and fun. We’d do crafts, go see the pigs, make potpourri, go on bike rides, make up games in our backyard and so much more. Sometimes if we were lucky, we’d catch her before she put fresh sheets on the bed. Crawling up on the mattress before she tucked in the top sheet, we’d say, “Can you shake the sheets Momma? Can you shake the sheets?!?” Without hesitation she’d just smile and lift up the fresh sheet, shaking it as if she was laying out for a picnic. We’d close our eyes and wait for the soft, fresh, and clean sheet to fall on our little faces. It felt like a piece of heaven. All of my life, she has always looked at us and said, “Who loves you the most?” And I always knew who did.

You see, I am blessed beyond measure. I have the greatest parents in all the world. I’m sure your’s may be great too but I’m sorry to say, I cannot imagine how they could be greater than mine. I have never questioned their love for me and even now, as a full-grown adult, they remain my biggest supporters, comforters, advice-givers, role-models, sounding boards and care-takers. Now, however, as I have moved into adulthood, I am privileged to call them friends.

I realize that today is Father’s Day but since I did not get a chance on the blog to thank my mother on Mother’s Day, I’m taking the opportunity to do both. Momma, you are the best mom a girl could ever ask for. Daddy, you are the best father a girl could ever ask for. Please know that if I ever get the chance to be a parent, I hope I can do it even a fraction as well as you have. Thank you for ‘knowing everything’ and for ‘loving me the most.’

Happy Father’s Day and a belated cyberspace Mother’s Day!

She’s Crazy.

Sometimes people think I’m crazy. Sometimes I agree with them.

Ok, I’m not really crazy but I do lead a somewhat crazy life…and I somewhat like it that way. I’ve always been known as the girl that never stops, does too much, is always busy and says yes to everything. That’s me and I’m okay with it. For some reason being busy makes me feel accomplished, invigorated and fulfilled. I may change my ways in future years as I do have to admit that my stamina is waning a little, but for now it’s me and it’s life.

That being said, I have just finished an insane wedding season. 9 weddings in 8 weeks. Not to mention family sessions, engagements, rehearsal dinners, anniversary shoots, sister’s wedding, 5 states and many late nights. I know right? It’s alright, you can say it (or really just think it since this is cyberspace)…’she’s crazy.’ I’m not going to disagree with you. Life for me in the last two months has been a bit ridiculous but at the end of it all, I still LOVE what I do, I’m SO grateful for the way the Lord has provided such sweet clients, I made it through without too much mental stress and I only have one or two additional nervous twitches since I started. I’d say I’m doing pretty well. However, today marks the first Saturday that I have had off in far too long so I’m going to sign off and go soak up some rays. Drink in some Vitamin D. Have a lunch date with my long lost friend…Mr. Sun. So sorry cyberworld…but Adios Amigos!

In the meantime, please enjoy a sneak peek of the super fun bridal party I shot a few weeks ago. Looking forward to posting this wedding soon. I’m pretty sure I have made every one of these faces in the craziness of the last 8 weeks…yep, pretty positive this describes all of my emotions!

Happy Saturday!

The Unbreakable Vow: Tiffany + Michael

On September 23rd, 2007 they began their relationship. They had grown up together but had never really crossed paths until mutual friends introduced them their senior year of high school. The first thing she noticed about him were his ‘gorgeous green eyes.’ The first thing he noticed about her were her ‘gorgeous green eyes.’ A match made in heaven.

On September 23rd, 2010, exactly four years after they began dating, he knelt to the ground and asked her to marry him. After a long night of her wishing it was indeed ‘the night,’ he started to take her home and she had given up hope. By the time he surprised her with a gazebo-front proposal, she was so speechless she could only nod in acceptance.

On September 23, 2012 they will become husband and wife and make an unbreakable vow.

Tiffany and Michael have a sweet love story marked by tradition and celebration and I am so honored that they would allow me to be there on that special 9/23. We had a blast shooting their engagements in the Bishop Arts District and they were such troopers as I had them running around all over the place. Not only did they endure my giddiness due to all kinds of ‘yummy light’, but they were champs as we endured a patch of untimely rain. I stood shooting under an umbrella and they didn’t flinch. Can’t wait for these two to tie-the-knot in late September!

Enjoy some of my favorites of their shoot!

Happy Tuesday!

(When I asked Tiffany what she and Michael loved to do together, she said they love to read Harry Potter books. How fun is that. So of course we had to incorporate them into the shoot…duh. When she told me that there was a chapter entitled ‘The Unbreakable Vow’ I was beside myself. How fitting for this couple who are about to do just that! Love it. Maybe I need to pick me up a HP copy and start the series after all…)

I’d like to take credit for Michael’s awesome laugh here but I’m pretty sure his bride-to-be gets the glory. Wish I was that funny…

I can absolutely see why he noticed her eyes first. Beautiful.

Love this shot. Curbside romance.

We found this awesome green door in a random abandoned little nook of the district. I think some people would have looked at me like I was a nutcase but they just smiled and let me do my thing. I think it paid off. That green wall with her ‘gorgeous green eyes’ was dynamite.

He really liked it…

In the middle of the rain storm, this guy waived us inside to an unfinished store space he was working on and invited us to take some pics. He was thoughtful AND creative.

The rain was actually perfect timing for us to go inside a cute coffee shop in the Bishop Arts and break out the Harry Potter books. I love it when couples incorporate things that are special to them.

Once the rain stopped, we decided to move outside and utilize some of that wonderful post rain light. Heavenly.

This was definitely taken on a newspaper stand…oh macro how I love thee.

Girl…stop it with those eyes. You are gorgeous. Seriously.

It was about this time that I was doing my usual ‘yummy light meets great image’ squeal. Its a wonder my clients don’t turn me in as a crazo.

An All-Star Team: Marissa + Peter

Mary Fields Photography

She is a gem. That woman who you look at and think, ‘I’d like to be like her.’ She is faithful. Patient. Kind. Godly. Joyful. A GREAT cook. Nurturing. Warm. Compassionate. Fun. Not to mention Beautiful.

Marissa is what you would call a catch. I mean really, she is an All-Star to the max. I’m sure she has her faults as we all do, but you can’t be around her for two minutes without wishing she could just rub off on you. Maybe if you just stand a little closer her All-Starness will have some affect on you…like osmosis. Well, this All-Star has been waiting for the Lord to bring her co-All-Star into the picture and not just waiting, but waiting patiently. Her faithfulness is uncanny and her standard for the man she was waiting for didn’t waiver. How wonderful too that the Lord did not disappoint.

They met about three years ago at the Kanakuk Institute where she is the Dean of Women, loving on the female students so very well and so very faithfully. He was a Chicagoan who had traveled the world and by a crazy connection had found this Bible training program tucked away in the Ozarks of Missouri. They were just friends for that year, although she was instantly endeared to the man that he was, the kind that is All-Star material. Upon graduation, he headed off to Hawaii and so she thought their roads were separated. A year later, however, his road brought him back to that little town in the hills and his heart began to be drawn to this catch of a woman. He would visit the summer camp she was running simply to be around her and to build that friendship he hoped turned into more. As summer ended and fall began, their friendship strengthened and her heart was more and more endeared to this man she had fallen for long ago. When he confessed his affection for her she was giddy with excitement.  After four-ish months of dating, he knelt to the ground and asked her to be his bride, seeing as everyone has the gem that was before him. On a perfect Saturday in early May, they joined hands and said their vows, promising forever. Their guests sat in a beautiful chapel overlooking the lake in that small Ozark town where it had all begun, and everyone was thinking the same thing about this All-Star team. It was worth the wait.

Marissa, words cannot express how serious I am when I say that you are a gem. You are genuinely a model of a godly woman. Thank you for being such a sweet friend over the years. Being part of your wedding was an incredible blessing for me as I got to witness the great faithfulness of our God. Peter, there are few that would deserve a woman like Marissa but simply put…you do. What a match the Lord has ordained! Wishing you both the best in the years to come!!

Happy Sunday!

(And once again…there are too many. Apparently my ‘working on it’ isn’t going very well)

Marissa and Peter kept a chain to count down the days. They saw each other for coffee that morning and broke the last chain together. Sweet.

Peter wrote her the sweetest note for his ‘Wife’ and she of course had to share it with her girlfriends…duh.

You didn’t know that I was a make-up artist on wedding day as well did you? Just call me Wonderwoman.

And this is my other Wonderwoman half. My sister the hair stylist. She’s the best.

This wedding chapel is beautiful and both Marissa and Peter wanted to get married here, even before they were dating.

I had to post these in honor of Mia, Marissa’s mini cooper. The get away car and her baby!

Somehow cowboy boots remain a theme in my work and its totally unplanned. I love it though.

Sweet moment between the bride and her mother. It’s moments like this that make my job so fun.

Marissa, really you were a STUNNING bride.

Can you tell she is an All-Star by the number of friends she has?!? See, I’m not the only one that thinks so. Pretty girls.

Beautiful bride.

Marissa’s niece was the flower girl and I am so glad I was there for this moment…seeing her aunt for the first time. Moments like this are priceless.

And see what I mean about him being an All-Star too? Obviously he is well liked!

Praying before the ceremony. What a blessing for me to be there in the midst of this.

Here comes the bride! Peter’s face says it all.

I think he’s excited or something…

This reaction to being pronounced ‘husband and wife’ is the best ever. Not to mention what he was given permission to do because of it…

Officially Mr. and Mrs.!

Love this.

So…there was this really awesome Rolls Royce.

Marissa LOVES coffee so there had to be a coffee bar. However, they went the extra mile and roasted their own coffee beans as a gift for their guests. The Bo and Mo blend (Peter’s nickname is Bodie). Can you say awesome?

Coolest ring story ever…Marissa bought this ring for her future-husband several years ago when she visited Israel. Now, Peter gets to wear it for the rest of his life.

The original woman in his life as observed by the new woman in his life.

Marissa’s sweet grandfather asked her to dance…and I cried.

Most precious thing…a dad and his daughter dancing.

Sweaty boy getting his groove on.

We snuck out just in time to catch the sunset over the lake.

Best exit ever. Marissa surprised her groom with fireworks before they left…

And Mia takes them away…

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

“Have I told you lately that I love you 
Could I tell you once again somehow 
Have I told you how with all my heart 
And soul I need you 
Well darling I’m telling you now 
My heart would break in two if I should lose you I’m no good without you anyhow 
Have I told you lately that I love you 
Well, darling, I’m telling you now “

These were the lyrics my Granny would sing over us as children. Words that we sing to each other now and words that I cherish so very dearly.

If you have been a follower of the blog for a while, you might know about the Herd Bull and His Bullette. My wonderful grandparents that lead our pack. The patriarchs of our crazy but wonderful clan. As I was going through all of my pictures from the last crazy 7 weeks, I found these gems from my cousin’s wedding last weekend and had to take a moment and pause. I paused you see because I was suddenly hit by an overwhelming feeling of pride. Not the kind of pride that leads to a fall. A more humble, grateful, blessed kind of pride in the heritage that I have. Pride in these two people who have so very much shaped who I am and the world I grew up in. A world that was characterized by godliness, love and laughter. Words cannot even begin to express how much I love these two and how much I admire who they are. My family, though we have our quirks, is a beautiful assemblage and picture of what family should be. We owe SO much of that to the faithfulness of these two. Their love for our God, their committed love for each other and their selfless love for each one of us has created a heritage that I am so proud to call my own.

Thank you Granny and Papa for leading this herd so well. You are both a treasure that I don’t deserve. I simply cannot express the way your lives have blessed and shaped my own…in the best possible way. Have I told you lately that I love you? Well…I am telling you now.

Happy Tuesday!

My Granny is still as beautiful as ever.  

My Papa and I dancing at the wedding. He is way better than I’ll ever be. So grateful that he is back on his feet after a painful battle with cancer. God is so very good.

I know the one on the left is blurry but I still loved it too much not to show it. What a memory for me 🙂

Just short of 60 years of marriage and still dancing. Still in love. They had their first date when they were 12. Married at 20 and dancing ever since. What a picture of marriage that the world needs to see. So grateful for this example in my life.

An Answered Prayer: Jessica + Reed Engagement

They met in March 2011. Jessica was being brought on to work for Global Aid Network, an organization that seeks to demonstrate the love of God to hurting and needy people around the world. Reed was working for them at the time but unfortunately, and as if to make the story that much better, it was his last week.  “We didn’t talk more than a mere exchange of words,” she said, “but I remember thinking he was cute and it was a shame he was leaving.” Fate would take care of this dilemma just a few months later however, as they reconnected at an engagement party for mutual friends. After talking at length and recognizing they would be attending the same seminary in the fall, Reed’s interest peaked and a plan began to form. Asking Jessica to coffee to ‘discuss seminary’ was a perfect way to learn more about this woman who had caught his attention. Four hours into the coffee date he got her number and their love story started.

Little did they know however, that God had been designing this match long before those lattes were ever served. You see, throughout their lives, God been developing in each of them a desire and a heart to reach the nations…separately. Reed had been praying for a spouse that would share his heart for missions, and the Lord delivered. Faithfully. He gave them each other to fulfill that desire…together. An answered prayer.

With a shared heart for the world, an ability to laugh together and a love that is undeniable, these two will tie the knot in September! I met Jessica at church my first Sunday in Texas and we immediately bonded over our shared love for photography. While being a wedding/portrait photographer herself, she is also pursuing a master’s in media communication so as to use her talents for humanitarian work. I was instantly challenged and encouraged by her heart to use photography to change lives. When she asked me to shoot their wedding I was incredibly honored! Their engagement shoot in downtown Dallas was a ton of fun and I can’t wait for September!

Reed and Jessica, thanks so much for letting me part of this season with you! It is clear that the Lord has brought you together to do great things for the nations. I can’t wait to see where He takes you together!

Happy Thursday!

Love these next two.

Jessica spent part of her life growing up in Dallas and she distinctly remembers this blue building. She would drive to church and always think of how intriguing it was. So, of course it made a perfect backdrop for our shoot.

Stunning. Seriously stunning.

We went downtown for the urban feel but I love these beautiful tall trees in the middle of downtown. Perfect.

Favorite. So content.

What an incredibly beautiful couple! I told Reed that he’s lucky he gets to look at those pretty blue eyes for the rest of his life…

Sweet moment.

I asked Jessica to fix his tie and in the middle of it she and I both discovered neither of us actually know how to tie a tie. I need to add that to my to do list. You never know when that will come in handy.

These red flowers outside the Myerson Symphony center were a perfect backdrop for our cloudy afternoon shoot.

I’m in love with this shot. Love.

Pure delight in the man that she loves.

When Jessica and I were discussing the shoot, she expressed that she really wanted to incorporate Sprinkles Cupcakes which of course was music to my ears. Any girl who loves her some cupcakes is a woman after my own heart. Without even meaning to, she got one white and one black…ironically very bride and groom-esque. I loved it!

Bling Blingitty.

As the sun began to set we headed over to the El Fenix restaurant where these two will have their rehearsal dinner. It has an A-mazing roof top patio for dining where you can see the Dallas skyline. Needless to say I was a kid in a candy shop!


Really Jessica, you made this easy.

Can you say money shot? For real, I can’t get enough of this.


I wish I had more time for an actual post as I have some fun pics I can’t wait to share with you, Cyberspace. Maybe one day I’ll have a dog and name him Cyberspace in your honor…Cspace for short. Hmm, it has merit. Sorry, sidetracked but it was an interesting thought. Anyway, I don’t have time for a full post as my sweet sister, the happy newlywed herself is on her way to town, WHOOHOO!, and so I must get to cleaning and preparing. However, as I was editing pictures yesterday of a recent wedding, I came across this gem taken by the ever amazing John Cain Sargent.

It reminded me of something I don’t ever want to forget. When I’m going bleary-eyed from editing, when I’m spending my Saturday at the chapel instead of the pool and when my feet hurt from standing on them far too long, I don’t want to forget. No, I don’t want to forget that most people don’t get to do what I do. They long for what I do. You see, because I do what I love. Truly. That my sweet cyberspace is what I don’t want to forget…to be grateful.

Happy Friday.

Pretty in White: Jessica Bridal Photography

I’m so excited that I finally get to show you Jessica’s bridal portraits! Whenever I do a shoot, I get so pumped to share the images with the world that it’s like a child waiting for summer vacation at Christmas break. It seems to last For-eeeeeeeever. The wait is over though because sweet Jessica married the man of her dreams, John, last Saturday at the beautiful Ashton Gardens. (Post coming soon) SO, that means that the bridals are no longer in the vault! Hope you enjoy the images of this stunning bride.

Happy Wednesday!

Mary Fields Photography


You Can Stand Under My Umbrella: Autumn + Brian

Mary Fields Photography

It couldn’t have happened to a better couple. When the radar looked like Nickelodeon’s green slime (you 90s children know what I’m talking about) they remained calm. When the weatherman gave his dismal prediction of Saturday’s tropical storm, they remained calm. When the clouds rolled in thick like gray giants, they remained calm. When the skies opened up and dropped water on Sarasota like the ground was crying out in thirst, they remained calm. Even when they made the decision to proceed with the ceremony in the rain, utilizing the world’s simplest invention…the umbrella, they still remained calm.

Why you ask? Why would you remain calm when the day you have been waiting for your whole life, that special day you want to be oh so perfect, is drenched in H2O?

Because they get it. They knew that the purpose of that day, the day they had been waiting for their whole lives, wasn’t about the mud on her dress, the puddles on the ground or even the fact that their guests were standing under umbrellas. No, they knew it was a day with much bigger significance. It was the day that they pledged their lives to each other before a holy God who was more concerned about their commitment than the rain clouds. And they just did that, vowed their lives to each other while holding hands in the rain. While the day was plenty crazy (stay tuned for my horse story…it’ll go down in the record books), the ground…along with the guests..a bit soggy, and things not going quite according to plan, there is one thing I am fairly confident did not go wrong. Not only did it not go wrong, but it was exceptionally right. That is that God was pleased. In some ways, more ways than not, I think it couldn’t have been more perfect. As the rain fell down and the umbrellas raised up, attention was drawn to the main thing. Marriage. This couple did an amazing job of keeping the main thing the main thing and I was so very honored to be part of it!

Brian and Autumn, my shoes have dried, my adrenaline has returned to normal and the radar has cleared. However, one thing has not disappeared since that rainy day in April…my love and respect for you both. Thank you for being a picture of what a wedding and marriage should be about. Your wedding day alone served as a ministry to so many and so I cannot wait to see what the example of your marriage will do in the years to come.

In closing, I thought it only fitting to leave you with these words from our dear friend Rihanna. I hope that they will hold new meaning from now on…

When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be a friend
Took an oath I’ma stick it out till the end
Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)

Happy Tuesday!


Brian played football at Purdue so her sisters made her this awesome jersey with his number and ‘Mrs. Wang’ on the back. Love it.

Sweet Autumn got Brian the most perfect gift…a family bible.

Thank you Lord for the blessings of this special day.

Autumn, her mother and some of their friends worked so hard to make every detail perfect. They were stunning!

The theme was the South which of course made me really happy.

W is for Wang…Brian’s last name.

Autumn’s mom and dad surprised her with a horse drawn carriage to take her to the aisle. So sweet and romantic. However, things got a little crazy after this so stay tuned for one of my best wedding stories…

Her dad seeing her for the first time. I cried…

One of the sweetest moments of the wedding day was their prayer. In the midst of the craziness they stopped to take a moment and pray. Looking around they realized it was just their family…the original six. In prayer they honored the Lord and then ended with all six in tears. I was privileged to be there for such a precious moment.

Love this shot. Tears of joy as he sees his bride.

And it rained on…

Married! They kissed, were pronounced husband and wife, and the rain stopped. Exactly in that order. Perfection.

Aut, you are one stunningly beautiful bride.

I lose my breath a little every time I see this shot…